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  • Sencha Thé vert japonais 20 x 2g
    Sencha Thé vert japonais 20 x 2g

    THé VERT JAPONAIS EN SACHETTESShenchaingredienten: groene theeinhoud:20px2g

    Product uit japan

    € 5,95
  • Hamasa Jas Sencha 100gr
    Hamasa Jas Sencha 100gr

    SHEN CHAINGRéDIENTS: 100% THé VERTKwaliteit : Lentepluk
    Sencha groene thee wordt geplukt aan het begin van de plukseizoen eind april tot half mei. De thee blaadjes zijn dan nog jong, klein en fris. Nadat de thee bladeren worden…

    € 6,95

Thé vert japonais

Japanese green tea is a type of traditional tea that is enjoyed by consumers worldwide. Japanese green tea come from the leaves of the tea plant as most green teas do. What makes Japanese green tea stand out is that it is available in powder form, which has a richer taste. Today, Japanese green tea is widely known not only because of the good taste but also the health benefits that it can bring.

Les effets positives du thé vert:

Removing free radicals

Reducing cholesterol

Reducing fat

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